Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kundalini or Serpent Power
Kundalini Shakti or Serpent Power (as Sir John Woodroffe calls it) is the dormant power that is latent in every one of us. It lies coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine. This power is there in everyone in varying degrees of awakening based on the lives that one leads. Leading a regulated life and constant practice of meditation can metaphysically activate the Serpent or Supreme power to rise up through the six psychic centers or chakras.

The Five Chakras

The first Chakra is Muladhara at the base, the second Chakra is Swadishthana at the sacral region, the Manipura at the lumbar region, Anahata at the dorsal region, Visuddha at the cervical or neck region and finally the Ajna at the eyebrow region, often referred to as the third eye. It is pertinent to note that this power rising up through the Sushumna or the spinal cord covers the five regions of the vertebral column (coccygeal, sacrum, lumbar, dorsal and cervical) highlighting the importance that we should give to the physical and metaphysical care of our back.

Primary Elements

It is pertinent to note that each of the first five chakras beginning from Muladhara are identified with the primary elements earth, fire, water, air and space respectively.

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