Thursday, November 30, 2017

Home! Sweet Home!!
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
What's App +91-9844013335

“Home, Sweet Home” is what everyone wants. How many are really able to say this? More often the relationships are bitter with hate, jealousy and rivalry among the siblings causing distress to the parents too. These disturbances and agitations can relate to peace of mind, behavior patterns, education, routine day to day family conflicts, health, profession and finances.

Peace of Mind
South, West and Southwest are areas of strength and stability.  Interaction with the younger generation in these areas will enable you to understand their grievances and needs better and help you review family issues appropriately. It is necessary that the younger generation orient themselves to the north or east when you discuss matters with them.  You can move your beds to the northeast sector of the room without touching the walls.  Sleeping with the head to the east will make you review matters appropriately and enable you to take the right decisions, significantly contributing to your peace of mind.

Behavior and Education
Behavior is an important aspect of family happiness.  Simple change of rooms can minimize aggressive behavior and energize the timid mind to become confident and fare better in studies and vocation. Similarly constantly fighting couples can become harmonious by relocating to a west or northwest room that has blue as the predominant color.  Color can be incorporated by way of wall and floors, curtains, carpets, bed linen, clothes, paintings, light, etc.  Education (or lack of it) is another important aspect if life which invariably adds (or lessens) to the happiness in a family.  We see children doing extremely well and parents are delighted about it.  We see children not faring well in spite of their own hard study and the constant coaxing of the parents to study.  Active your dull child by making it study in a south east or southeast room. Shades of red and orange (not pink) can energize his/her intelligence and make the child study better. Let the child sleep with the head to the east. 

Extreme differences between parents and children, between husband and wife and between the siblings themselves and also contribute to disharmony and misery. Underground tanks in the northwest, southeast and southwest could be the contributory factor.  If you find that that the southwest of the house is chopped off, this could also be reason for the hostility among the family members leading to depression in the elders’ rational thinking.

Health, Profession and Finances
General health can be improved by sleeping with the head placed to south.  Disturbed minds can make use of central east rooms with their beds to the southwest corners of the room not touching the walls.  Contentment and happiness in your profession is another contributory factor to family happiness. Apart from looking into the placements of your room in your office and the arrangement of the various furniture in that room it is necessary that you get used to face east.  The east sector ruled by Sun is synonymous with health – physical and mental. You will think properly and take fair decisions relating to your profession.  Financial stringency also contributes to family unhappiness. Water element and use of yellow color in the right sectors of north and northeast will activate Jupiter (signifying wealth, wisdom and younger generation) to minimize financial (and family) stress. 

Dear readers, make your home really sweet by properly adapting Vastu principles to create health, harmony and happiness in your lives.  

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