Thursday, November 30, 2017

Home! Sweet Home!!
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
What's App +91-9844013335

“Home, Sweet Home” is what everyone wants. How many are really able to say this? More often the relationships are bitter with hate, jealousy and rivalry among the siblings causing distress to the parents too. These disturbances and agitations can relate to peace of mind, behavior patterns, education, routine day to day family conflicts, health, profession and finances.

Peace of Mind
South, West and Southwest are areas of strength and stability.  Interaction with the younger generation in these areas will enable you to understand their grievances and needs better and help you review family issues appropriately. It is necessary that the younger generation orient themselves to the north or east when you discuss matters with them.  You can move your beds to the northeast sector of the room without touching the walls.  Sleeping with the head to the east will make you review matters appropriately and enable you to take the right decisions, significantly contributing to your peace of mind.

Behavior and Education
Behavior is an important aspect of family happiness.  Simple change of rooms can minimize aggressive behavior and energize the timid mind to become confident and fare better in studies and vocation. Similarly constantly fighting couples can become harmonious by relocating to a west or northwest room that has blue as the predominant color.  Color can be incorporated by way of wall and floors, curtains, carpets, bed linen, clothes, paintings, light, etc.  Education (or lack of it) is another important aspect if life which invariably adds (or lessens) to the happiness in a family.  We see children doing extremely well and parents are delighted about it.  We see children not faring well in spite of their own hard study and the constant coaxing of the parents to study.  Active your dull child by making it study in a south east or southeast room. Shades of red and orange (not pink) can energize his/her intelligence and make the child study better. Let the child sleep with the head to the east. 

Extreme differences between parents and children, between husband and wife and between the siblings themselves and also contribute to disharmony and misery. Underground tanks in the northwest, southeast and southwest could be the contributory factor.  If you find that that the southwest of the house is chopped off, this could also be reason for the hostility among the family members leading to depression in the elders’ rational thinking.

Health, Profession and Finances
General health can be improved by sleeping with the head placed to south.  Disturbed minds can make use of central east rooms with their beds to the southwest corners of the room not touching the walls.  Contentment and happiness in your profession is another contributory factor to family happiness. Apart from looking into the placements of your room in your office and the arrangement of the various furniture in that room it is necessary that you get used to face east.  The east sector ruled by Sun is synonymous with health – physical and mental. You will think properly and take fair decisions relating to your profession.  Financial stringency also contributes to family unhappiness. Water element and use of yellow color in the right sectors of north and northeast will activate Jupiter (signifying wealth, wisdom and younger generation) to minimize financial (and family) stress. 

Dear readers, make your home really sweet by properly adapting Vastu principles to create health, harmony and happiness in your lives.  

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Visit to the beautiful temple of Bhoga Nandeeshwara, near Nandi Hills, Bangalore

Today, Friday, 20th October we (our family consisting of us husband and wife, son and daughter in law, grandson and our sister in law) travelled to the famous Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple, near Nandi Hills, Karnataka. This beautiful temple of Lord Shiva, dates back to the early 9th century and comes under the the protection of Archeological Survey of India as of national importance. The earliest references of construction dated back to 806 c and later the temple came under the patronage of Ganga dynasty, the Chola Dynasty, the Hoysala and Vijayanagara Empires. 

One of the priests in the temple said that this is only place where importance to two forms of Lord Shiva - Arunchaleswara and Bhoga Nandeeshwara- are given. The Arunchaleswara shrine is said to have been built by the Ganga dynasty (to the south) while the Bhoga Nandeeshwara shrine is built by the Cholas (to the north). There is also the Uma Maheswara shrine said to have been built during the post Vijayangara rule. The beautiful and well carved dieties (and sages) and the beautiful Maha Mantapa are outstanding examples of the great mastery our ancients had over creating masterpieces of sculptures and carvings (with minimal tools at their disposal).

We left home in our son's beautiful Honda City car and stopped at Sri Krishna restaurant where we had a delicious breakfast and drove straight to the temple complex of two large shrines of Arunachaleswara and Bhoga Nandeeshwara. We spent more than two hours in the beautiful place where we could identify Hoysala architecture of ornate black stone pillars that had reliefs depicting lord Shiva and Parvati, Brahma and Saraswati, Vishnu and Lakshmi, Agni and Swaha Devi and beautiful creepers and birds.

We also spent quite some time at the beautifully built Kalyani, said to be a Vijyangara era - King Krishnadevaraya's contribution to the temple complex. Sadly, this scribe felt the maintenance of the water tank was not good and being a national monument the ASI could take better care of the cleanliness and other aspects of not only the Kalyani but the entire complex.

The journey (of a little more than one and a half hours from our place) was good (via International Airport Road). On the way back we stopped for lunch at another nice restaurant Nanda Gokula. We were back around 3 pm. On a personal level we tried to understand the Vastu aspects of this historical temple complex.

We did enjoy this visit to the 1200 year old temple complex and recommend all of you to visit this beautiful complex which has mantaps for conducting marriage ceremonies too. Please do visit. If you are planning your son's or daughter's marriage, this is indeed a very special place for it.

Vastu and USA Presidential Elections of 2008

Vastu and USA Presidential Elections of 2008
Bangalore Niranjan Babu;

The United States Presidential Election of 2008 is scheduled for Tuesday November 4, 2008 to decide on the next President of USA. While the Republican Party nominee is McCain, 72 years, the senior United States Senator from Arizona, the Democratic Party nominee is Barack Obama, 47 years, the junior United States Senator from Illinois. Every citizen of America is ready to cast his or her vote and select the leader. Both McCain and Obama are well qualified to become the President of the United States of America

Whom does Vastu predict as the next President of USA — McCain or Obama ?
Before we analyse the map of USA from the Vastu perspective, let us briefly review the background of the two men who are ready to occupy the most powerful position in the world, The President of USA.

John Sidney McCain
McCain graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 and was a naval aviator. During the Vietnam War, he nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire and was captured by the North Vietnamese and was a prisoner of war until 1973, experiencing torture and wounds that left him with physical restrictions. McCain retired from the Navy in 1981 and moved to Arizona entering politics. Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, he served two terms, and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, winning re-election in 1992, 1998, and 2004.

Barack Obama
Obama, the first African American to be nominated by a major political party for president is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Obama was a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He has taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004 and was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007.

Vastu Analysis
Our analysis is based on the creation of the Peeta Mandala or nine module plan of Vastu. This plan of Vastu is laid over the geographical map of USA. It divides the country into nine parts or modules that identify the four cardinal and four angular directions apart from the central area.
Vastu sastra identifies South, West and Southwest as the strength and stability areas; North and Northeast are the comfort and contentment areas; East is the royalty and political power area; while Southeast and Northwest are the dynamic or movement areas. The central area is the important place of total awareness or Brahmasthana.

The Republican Party nominee John Sidney McCain is the senator from Arizona, which is the strength and stability area of USA. He is vying for the Presidential seat in Washington DC, the comfort and contentment area. His movement is from southwest to northeast. When the module of Arizona is further split into another nine modules, we find that it falls in the south of the inner module denoting Mars or aggressiveness.

The Democratic Party nominee, Obama is the senator from Illinois, which is the total awareness area His movement to the seat of power, the comfort and contentment area is to the east, the royalty and political power area, but it is also dynamic, because of the slight southeast location. When the module of Illinois is further split into another nine modules, we find it falls into the northeast and east of that inner module denoting Jupiter and the Sun denoting wisdom and royalty.
Based on the above Vastu evaluation that integrates locations, directions and related planets with various aspects of power and fame, both the candidates have good Vastu related energies. That is, McCain moves from the area of strength and stability (through sector of aggressiveness) to the area of comfort and contentment, while Obama moves from the area of total awareness (through the sectors of wisdom and royalty) to the area of royalty. This indicates that the well contested political fight will be close. The powerful seat of the President of USA is not a seat of comfort and contentment. Obama moving into the area of royalty and political power coupled with the slight leaning to dynamism seems to give him the Vastu edge over McCain. 

Therefore, Obama is very likely to be the next President of USA.

However, it will be not a bed of roses for the next President of USA, as his attention will be primarily directed towards the unfriendly nations of USA. The beauty of Vastu is that it not only indicates the likely outcome but also suggests remedial measures which can be used to one's advantage by rectifying imbalances. 

We wish Senators McCain and Obama all the best. In God We Trust.

Profile of Bangalore Niranjan Babu 

Bangalore Niranjan Babu  is an international consultant in Vastu Shastra, Vedic Astrology and related sciences. He has authored several best seller books in English and regional languages of India. He is an advisor for well-known temples, complexes and institutions. He has lectured, conducted workshops (and teaching classes) and given professional consultations in India, North America, Europe and other parts of the world. Many individuals, businesses and institutions have utilized his services and have greatly benefitted from his advice. He has been associated with his father and internationally reputed scholar of Vedic Astrology Dr. B.V. Raman’s work since more than thirty five years.
His consultation forte is application of the ancient principles to the modern changed conditions of construction activity in both micro projects like residences, commercial establishments, residences, commercial establishments, business offices , restaurants, small temples, etc., and mega projects like creation of layouts and sub-divisions, infrastructure, temple complexes, educational institutions and corporate, health and business complexes, airports, etc. He was the CEO, Publisher and Managing Editor of The Astrological Magazine and is now the Chief Editor of The Astrological eMagazine.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Re-Vitalizing Your Industry 

 Niranjan Babu Bangalore;; 
Our What's App Number +91-9844013335 

The Industrial revolution has changed the face of the industry in our country. The industry sector provides employment to lakhs of people in the country. The happiness or otherwise of these people depends on the strength and growth of industry. There is a growing number of industries, both in the private and public sector, ranging from the ISRO of the public sector to the ordinary machine tool factory of an individual. With deregulation of controls, many small scale industry are springing up. Crores of rupees are being given as loans by the state and central financial institutions.

As the demand for consumer goods and electronic gadgets increases, more and more industries are springing up. We have mining industry, manufacturing industry, rubber and related industry, leather industry, chemical industry, food industry, textile industry, paper industry, power machines, agriculture produce industry, publishing industry, advertising industry, cinema industry and many other industries. For instance, it is said that textile industry alone accounts for 20% of industrial output and 30% of foreign exchange earnings in our country. Similarly, we have resource-based industry which includes products based on leather, wood, paper, rubber etc. Financial institutions give loans to these industry worth crores of rupees. Yet, the number of sick industry is only increasing.

The financial institutions have manifold times locked the industry for not being able to recover the loans granted. Many times, in spite of a team of experts running the industry, losses accrue and the industry is forced to close. In spite of giving all benefits to the workers, there are strikes galore, again leading to closure of the industry.

The Management Plan 

We have to plan for the future. We have to find out the objectives that can be attained. We have then to provide everything necessary for proper working of the industry like raw materials, tools, manpower, capital etc. The plan has to be put into effective use by guiding, supervising and motivating the work force. Co-ordinating the machines and manpower is another important step in running an industry. There should be effective control to ensure proper rating of performance. The management has to motivate the work force for better performance, through various incentives etc. In spite of following the best management techniques, industries fail. Why? What could be wrong? Why do not industry with the best expertise on their management side thrive the way they should? Why does the industry have to resort to lock-out, in spite of having a dedicated team of workers who toil day in and day out ? And, why do certain industry never, ever recover from such disasters? There have been cases when after adding a patch of land to existing factories, trouble has multiplied with tensions mounting to the extent of firing and tear-gassing by the police. Why? Perhaps, the answer lies in the great science of Vastu.

The Vastu Plan 

Without trying to be too technical, I give below broad guidelines to run an industry based on the principles of Vastu. From constructing the building to the placement of personnel and the product (in its various stages —raw, process and finished) Vastu has the power to give your industry a chance to bounce back to health or continue to be prosperous.

Site Selection

 It is important to select a site that has its adjoining roads sloping towards North or East. If the site is higher in the North and/or East, it is necessary that the levelling is done before construction begins. After the plan of the factory and its office premises (as per Vastu) is ready, walls are to be put up around the site such that the South and West walls are higher, thereby strengthening the Niruti (which is the master’s place). The north and east walls can be lower. Fencing will also do on the north and east sides. The walls should be oriented to the cardinal directions only viz., the East, West, North and South.

Water Areas 

A sump or well should be dug in the North of North-east. The bigger and deeper it is, the better. Readers can observe in temples that are doing well even today that the huge, deep puskaranis (water tanks) are usually on the north or east of North-east sector. It is always better to have the length and breadth of the sump in proportion to the length and breadth of the site. Now that Jupiter has moved into Libra, take care to see that water activation is not done at the wrong places. Jupiter being lord of younger generation, wisdom and wealth usage of this primary element can either work miracles or create misery to your industry.

Gates and Slopes 

Gates can be in the eastern and northern parts of the site, of course, depending on the road. If southern and western walls have to be used for gates, they can be put in the exalted zones. The slopes inside the compound may be done in such a way that rain water flows towards the North and East into the north-east. The downward slope of the factory roof should be either towards the East or to the North.

Main Factory 

The main factory may be constructed on the south-west side of the plot. The administrative office can be to the north of the factory. The height of the administrative building may be lower than the main factory. Care should be taken to see that the structures do not touch the compound walls. The factory should be so built that it is the highest on the south and west sides.

Arrangement of Machinery

The various machinery can be so arranged within the factory such that the heaviest come in the South and West. Raw materials can be placed in the South-west of the structure. Product in process and semi-finished products can be in centre of west sector and finished products ready for delivery may be placed in the North-west. A west of north-west door is preferred for movement of finished products. On the same principle, when there is a machinery which takes in a raw material at one end to give out a product at the other end, (e.g., newsprint and the newspaper), the machinery may be mounted in such a way as to allow feeding of the raw material from the south-west side and finished product coming out on the north-west side. Boilers, generators, transformers, furnaces, acid tanks, factory canteens etc., can all be in the East part of Southeast sector. The chimney of the factory will also, therefore, be in to South-east.

Power Zone 

The chairman, directors, general managers, supervisors can be seated in south-west sector of the factory or the administrative block. Recreation centres, entertainment halls, theatres, toilets, guest homes/rooms, car garages, servants quarters, stores can all be in the north-west sector. Conference halls, factory temple, cashiers, accountants, can be placed in the north-east sector. The guard/security room can be to the south of the gate in the East or West of the gate in the North. Overhead tanks can be in the West of south-west sector.


The centre of structure and centre of plot have to be totally kept free. Here, lawns can be grown or a small temple can be erected. Since, the central spot constitutes the Brahmastana or the navel (nabhi) of the Vastupurusha, no heavy materials, columns, pillars or beams should come here. The weighing machine which normally is a part of any industry can be placed in the central West or central South  away from the compound wall.

Naming your factory 

Factory names can be decided based on compatibility with birth star and the science of numbers. Such carefully decided names with frequent and proper time management (Muhurtha) and Vastu reinforcement can assist in supplementing your efforts to make your industry healthy and prosperous.