Monday, October 6, 2008

Vastu and Color Therapy

Planetary Colors

Astrological texts have assigned certain colors and directions to the planets as follow:

Planet Color Direction
Sun Copper Red East
Moon White Northwest
Mars Blood Red South
Mercury Green North
Jupiter Yellow/Golden Northeast
Venus Mixed/White Southeast
Saturn Black/Blue West

Different shades and hues of these colors can be used for the interiors and exteriors on the basis of the Janma Rasis or moon signs of the owners of the house.

Directional Colors

Colors can also be used based on directions. For instance northwest rooms can be white, north rooms can be in light hues of green, west rooms can be blues and greys , southeast rooms can be varied colors and white too, northeast rooms can be in shades and tones of gold/yellow like cream, etc and south rooms can be in shades and hues of red. Colors can be used in a variety of ways. We can paint our walls with a range of colors. We can wear clothes with colors of our preference; we can drink solarised water in colored glasses. We can use bed linen, curtains, carpets and furniture with different colors of our liking.

Study rooms can be green, kitchen and dining rooms can be orange, prayer rooms can be white, living and discussion rooms can be cream and hues of yellow and bedrooms can be blue. Parents may perhaps find rooms colored blue ideal for their children who tend to be aggressive.

Colour Therapy

Properly used colors play an important role in health and can contribute to stable mental and physical health and alleviate human suffering.

Exposing the body to colored light is also said to act as a support in healing. Green light can alleviate heart problems and cancer, blue can treat painful ulcers, inflammatory disorders and back problems. Red is good for skin problems, bladder infections and anemia while orange works on allergies and constipation. Yellow light alleviates muscle cramps and gallstones. Orange is said to stimulate the nervous system and increase your appetite.

Shades and hues of red can be used when a person is suffering from blood ailments, anemia, bodily weakness, colds, circulatory deficiencies, paralysis, baldness etc. Red also stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, and can also assist in burning fat and reducing weight. Pink, which can be considered, as a hue of red is an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, relieves tension and soothes and calms frayed tempers! Orange energizes, stimulates desire for food and digestive system and is good for chronic asthma, phlegmatic fevers, inflammation of kidneys, epilepsy, cholera, etc. Yellow can alleviate stomach problems, digestive disorders, constipation, stress and nervous, energizes, relieves depression.

Green is good for alleviating problems related to heart, ulcers, headaches, flu, blood pressure, soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness etc. Shades and hues of blue can be used for throat troubles, laryngitis, goiter, typhoid and other fevers, jaundice, sore throat, small pox and related ailments, hysteria, insomnia or sleeplessness, lowering blood pressure, itches, painful menstruation, underweight problems, etc.

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