Monday, October 27, 2008

Vastu and USA Presidential Elections of 2008

Vastu and USA Presidential Elections of 2008
Niranjan Babu Bangalore;

The United States Presidential Election of 2008 is scheduled for Tuesday November 4, 2008 to decide on the next President of USA. While the Republican Party nominee is McCain, 72 years, the senior United States Senator from Arizona, the Democratic Party nominee is Barack Obama, 47 years, the junior United States Senator from Illinois. Every citizen of America is ready to cast his or her vote and select the leader. Both McCain and Obama are well qualified to become the President of the United States of America

Whom does Vastu predict as the next President of USA — McCain or Obama ?

Before we analyse the map of USA from the Vastu perspective, let us briefly review the background of the two men who are ready to occupy the most powerful position in the world, The President of USA.

John Sidney McCain

McCain graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 and was a naval aviator. During the Vietnam War, he nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire and was captured by the North Vietnamese and was a prisoner of war until 1973, experiencing torture and wounds that left him with physical restrictions. McCain retired from the Navy in 1981 and moved to Arizona entering politics. Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, he served two terms, and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, winning re-election in 1992, 1998, and 2004.

Barack Obama

Obama, the first African American to be nominated by a major political party for president is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Obama was a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He has taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004 and was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007.

Vastu Analysis

Our analysis is based on the creation of the Peeta Mandala or nine module plan of Vastu. This plan of Vastu is laid over the geographical map of USA. It divides the country into nine parts or modules that identify the four cardinal and four angular directions apart from the central area.

Vastu sastra identifies South, West and Southwest as the strength and stability areas; North and Northeast are the comfort and contentment areas; East is the royalty and political power area; while Southeast and Northwest are the dynamic or movement areas. The central area is the important place of total awareness or Brahmasthana.

The Republican Party nominee John Sidney McCain is the senator from Arizona, which is the strength and stability area of USA. He is vying for the Presidential seat in Washington DC, the comfort and contentment area. His movement is from southwest to northeast. When the module of Arizona is further split into another nine modules, we find that it falls in the south of the inner module denoting Mars or aggressiveness.

The Democratic Party nominee, Obama is the senator from Illinois, which is the total awareness area His movement to the seat of power, the comfort and contentment area is to the east, the royalty and political power area, but it is also dynamic, because of the slight southeast location. When the module of Illinois is further split into another nine modules, we find it falls into the northeast and east of that inner module denoting Jupiter and the Sun denoting wisdom and royalty.

Based on the above Vastu evaluation that integrates locations, directions and related planets with various aspects of power and fame, both the candidates have good Vastu related energies. That is, McCain moves from the area of strength and stability (through sector of aggressiveness) to the area of comfort and contentment, while Obama moves from the area of total awareness (through the sectors of wisdom and royalty) to the area of royalty. This indicates that the well contested political fight will be close. The powerful seat of the President of USA is not a seat of comfort and contentment. Obama moving into the area of royalty and political power coupled with the slight leaning to dynamism seems to give him the Vastu edge over McCain. Therefore, Obama is very likely to be the next President of USA.

However, it will be not a bed of roses for the next President of USA, as his attention will be primarily directed towards the unfriendly nations of USA. The beauty of Vastu is that it not only indicates the likely outcome but also suggests remedial measures which can be used to one's advantage by rectifying imbalances. In the case of McCain, since aggressive Mars is involved in the Arizona module, the support of the younger generation voters can tilt the balance in his favor. We wish Senators McCain and Obama all the best. In God We Trust.

Profile of Niranjan Babu Bangalore

Niranjan Babu Bangalore is an international consultant in Vastu Shastra, Vedic Astrology and related sciences. He has authored several best seller books in English and regional languages of India. He is an advisor for well-known temples, complexes and institutions. He has lectured, conducted workshops (and teaching classes) and given professional consultations in India, North America, Europe and other parts of the world. Many individuals, businesses and institutions have utilized his services and have greatly benefitted from his advice. He has been associated with his father and internationally reputed scholar of Vedic Astrology Dr. B.V. Raman’s work since more than thirty five years.

His consultation forte is application of the ancient principles to the modern changed conditions of construction activity in both micro projects like residences, commercial establishments, residences, commercial establishments, business offices , restaurants, small temples, etc., and mega projects like creation of layouts and sub-divisions, infrastructure, temple complexes, educational institutions and corporate, health and business complexes, airports, etc. He was the CEO, Publisher and Managing Editor of The Astrological Magazine.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Vastu and Color Therapy

Planetary Colors

Astrological texts have assigned certain colors and directions to the planets as follow:

Planet Color Direction
Sun Copper Red East
Moon White Northwest
Mars Blood Red South
Mercury Green North
Jupiter Yellow/Golden Northeast
Venus Mixed/White Southeast
Saturn Black/Blue West

Different shades and hues of these colors can be used for the interiors and exteriors on the basis of the Janma Rasis or moon signs of the owners of the house.

Directional Colors

Colors can also be used based on directions. For instance northwest rooms can be white, north rooms can be in light hues of green, west rooms can be blues and greys , southeast rooms can be varied colors and white too, northeast rooms can be in shades and tones of gold/yellow like cream, etc and south rooms can be in shades and hues of red. Colors can be used in a variety of ways. We can paint our walls with a range of colors. We can wear clothes with colors of our preference; we can drink solarised water in colored glasses. We can use bed linen, curtains, carpets and furniture with different colors of our liking.

Study rooms can be green, kitchen and dining rooms can be orange, prayer rooms can be white, living and discussion rooms can be cream and hues of yellow and bedrooms can be blue. Parents may perhaps find rooms colored blue ideal for their children who tend to be aggressive.

Colour Therapy

Properly used colors play an important role in health and can contribute to stable mental and physical health and alleviate human suffering.

Exposing the body to colored light is also said to act as a support in healing. Green light can alleviate heart problems and cancer, blue can treat painful ulcers, inflammatory disorders and back problems. Red is good for skin problems, bladder infections and anemia while orange works on allergies and constipation. Yellow light alleviates muscle cramps and gallstones. Orange is said to stimulate the nervous system and increase your appetite.

Shades and hues of red can be used when a person is suffering from blood ailments, anemia, bodily weakness, colds, circulatory deficiencies, paralysis, baldness etc. Red also stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, and can also assist in burning fat and reducing weight. Pink, which can be considered, as a hue of red is an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, relieves tension and soothes and calms frayed tempers! Orange energizes, stimulates desire for food and digestive system and is good for chronic asthma, phlegmatic fevers, inflammation of kidneys, epilepsy, cholera, etc. Yellow can alleviate stomach problems, digestive disorders, constipation, stress and nervous, energizes, relieves depression.

Green is good for alleviating problems related to heart, ulcers, headaches, flu, blood pressure, soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness etc. Shades and hues of blue can be used for throat troubles, laryngitis, goiter, typhoid and other fevers, jaundice, sore throat, small pox and related ailments, hysteria, insomnia or sleeplessness, lowering blood pressure, itches, painful menstruation, underweight problems, etc.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Science and Art of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is one of the many great sciences that have come to us from the Vedas or the knowledge books of India. Silpa Shastra, or Vastu Shastra as it is variously called is said to be a Upa Veda or a minor Veda. Also known as Sthapatya Veda or Sthapatya Shastra, it is the applied knowledge of the Atharva Veda just as Ayurveda is attached to Rigveda, Dhanurveda to Yajurveda and Gandharvaveda to Samaveda. This science of utility is bequeathed to the world from a land that is India with a diversity of cultures, topography, climates, socio-economic lives and philosopher-scientists of Jyotisha, Vastu, Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda and the Dharmasastras that highlight the concepts of duties and responsibilities based on fundamental moral virtues.

Vastu Shastra talks about architecture in its broadest sense — buildings, religious and secular, town planning, laying out gardens, making of roads, bridges, tanks, drains, moats and even furniture and conveyances. Also called as Vastu Vidya, it is both an art and science and covers orientation, identifying the cardinal directions with the help of a Sanku or gnomon, selection of site, testing of soil for fitness and creating fertility, planning and designing, etc.