Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Akshaya Trititya 2022


Akshaya Tritiya

Niranjan Babu Bangalore

www.niranjanbabu.com; info@niranjanbabu.com

 Akshaya Tritiya (Akshaya Tadige) in Karnataka falls on the third thithi (day) of the bright half of Vaisakha. Akshaya.  This year, 2022, it falls on the 3rd  May.   On the day of Akshaya Tritiiya Sage Veda Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dwaipayana dictated Mahabharatha to  Lord Ganesha. On this day, the birthday of Parusharama the sixth facet of Lord Vishna is also traditionally celebrated.

Kuchela, a poor Brahmin and schoolmate of Sri Krishna, visits Krishna with the intention of asking some financial favor. Kuchela, also known as Sudama, carries with him a handful of beaten rice. Kuchela is ashamed to give this to Krishna, but the lord snatches the small bag from his schoolmate and eats a handful of the beaten rice. Kuchela is taken aback by the Lord’s gesture and returns home.  He is amazed to see a palace in the place of his old hut with his wife and children wearing new clothes.  This day when the frugal fare accepted by the lord was returned manifold to Kuchela is observed as Akshaya Tritiya.


Akshaya means that which never diminishes. The Pandavas are said to have received the Akshaya Pathram (the never emptying bowl of food) from Lord Krishna on this day. It provided unlimited food for the Pandavas during their exile. Any charity done on this day is said to come back manifold.    Southeast, Northwest and East come into primary importance on this day.  Astrologically too, the Sun, the Moon and Venus are most radiant and placed in their exaltation signs on this day.   Business partnerships with the younger generation begun on this day can indeed do well. On the home front donation of food grains and food is suggested.  Since the directional significance for marriage is strong, marriage negotiations can begun on this day. House-warming ceremonies on this day are recommended.  Domestic and business discussions begun on this day tend to conclude agreeably.  Bhumi Puja and Bhugarbha Vinyasa on this day for planned homes can be done too.

The importance of Akshaya Tritiya grows every year, thanks to the forceful crusade of banks, jewelry shops and financial institutions.  The devout can look into the metaphysical aspect of this day.  Sudarshana Homa and Lakshmi Puja are performed on this day.  In fact, since we are in the era of Covid 19, a fire havan, even on a minimal scale, will prevent the virus entering the home or business place.   

Donation of food to old age homes, orphanages, schools for the blind, physically and mentally challenged, and to the many poor families (suffering because of the onslaught of Covid 19) on this day can indeed bestow health, harmony and happiness to families and businesses.