Monday, June 14, 2021

Vastu Kundalini


Niranjan Babu Bangalore;

Serpent Power

Kundalini Shakti or Serpent Power (as Sir John Woodroffe calls it) is the dormant power that is latent in every one of us.  It lies coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine. This power is there in everyone in varying degrees of awakening based on the lives that one leads. Leading a regulated life and constant practice of meditation can metaphysically activate the Serpent or Supreme power to rise up through the six psychic centers or chakras.  The first Chakra is Muladhara at the base,  the second Chakra is Swadishthana  at the sacral region,  the Manipura at the lumbar region, Anahata at the dorsal region, Vishuddha at the cervical or neck region  and finally the Ajna at the eyebrow region, often referred to as the third eye.  It is pertinent to note that this power rising up through the Sushumna or the spinal cord covers the five regions of the vertebral column  (coccygeal, sacrum, lumbar, dorsal and cervical) highlighting the importance that we should give to the physical and metaphysical care of our back.  It is pertinent to note that each of the first five chakras beginning from Muladhara are identified with the primary elements earth, fire, water, air and space respectively. 

Primary Elements and Chakras


Let us now take the cue from the logical sequence of rise of the Kundalini power. To create harmony, health and happiness, the primary importance to be given is the center or nabhi of an area to which relates earth.  Avoid depressions, water, fire, loads and dirt in this area.  The second important energy zone is the southeast that relates to the element fire. Check on the electrical, electronic, cooking, heating, washing, refrigeration, air conditioners and other gadgets and put them in this zone.  The third important energy zone is the northeast relating to the primary element water.  Check the water tanks, taps, pools, water harvesting, etc and relocate them if needed.  The fourth important energy zone is northwest that relates to the element Air.  Check on exhaust and floor fans, washing machines, trash cans, etc and locate them here. The fifth energy zone is southwest that relates to the element space.  Check this area and use it to your advantage by having your furniture, wardrobes, almirahs, gym equipment, storage, elevations, rocky gardens and deep rooted tress, heavy machines, etc.  Setting right the imbalances in the order indicated above can create harmony, health and happiness in the home or office.

Spinal Health

All the five chakras from the base to the neck highlight the importance of the spinal column.  The spine is an intricate structure of bones, muscles, and other tissues that form the posterior part of the body’s trunk, from the skull  to the pelvis. The centerpiece is the spinal column, which not only supports the upper body’s weight (read southwest) but houses and protects the spinal cord — the delicate nervous system structure that carries signals that control the body’s movements and convey its sensations to and from the brain (read northeast). Patients of spine related complaints like back ache, osteoporosis, sciatica, spondylitis and spinal tumors can get considerable relief from pain by rectifying the energy zones of southwest and northeast as earlier indicated.  This apart, practice of certain yogic asanas like bhujangasana (cobra pose), halasana (plough pose) and the simple Shavasana (corpse pose) under the tutelage of an expert, can contribute to much relief.


While Vastu is basically the balancing of the primary elements this article highlights the Kundalini concept to only tell you that that the Vastu restoration of the balance in a certain logical order can contribute to   comfort and contentment in a home or office.