Saturday, August 26, 2017

Re-Vitalizing Your Industry 

 Niranjan Babu Bangalore;; 
Our What's App Number +91-9844013335 

The Industrial revolution has changed the face of the industry in our country. The industry sector provides employment to lakhs of people in the country. The happiness or otherwise of these people depends on the strength and growth of industry. There is a growing number of industries, both in the private and public sector, ranging from the ISRO of the public sector to the ordinary machine tool factory of an individual. With deregulation of controls, many small scale industry are springing up. Crores of rupees are being given as loans by the state and central financial institutions.

As the demand for consumer goods and electronic gadgets increases, more and more industries are springing up. We have mining industry, manufacturing industry, rubber and related industry, leather industry, chemical industry, food industry, textile industry, paper industry, power machines, agriculture produce industry, publishing industry, advertising industry, cinema industry and many other industries. For instance, it is said that textile industry alone accounts for 20% of industrial output and 30% of foreign exchange earnings in our country. Similarly, we have resource-based industry which includes products based on leather, wood, paper, rubber etc. Financial institutions give loans to these industry worth crores of rupees. Yet, the number of sick industry is only increasing.

The financial institutions have manifold times locked the industry for not being able to recover the loans granted. Many times, in spite of a team of experts running the industry, losses accrue and the industry is forced to close. In spite of giving all benefits to the workers, there are strikes galore, again leading to closure of the industry.

The Management Plan 

We have to plan for the future. We have to find out the objectives that can be attained. We have then to provide everything necessary for proper working of the industry like raw materials, tools, manpower, capital etc. The plan has to be put into effective use by guiding, supervising and motivating the work force. Co-ordinating the machines and manpower is another important step in running an industry. There should be effective control to ensure proper rating of performance. The management has to motivate the work force for better performance, through various incentives etc. In spite of following the best management techniques, industries fail. Why? What could be wrong? Why do not industry with the best expertise on their management side thrive the way they should? Why does the industry have to resort to lock-out, in spite of having a dedicated team of workers who toil day in and day out ? And, why do certain industry never, ever recover from such disasters? There have been cases when after adding a patch of land to existing factories, trouble has multiplied with tensions mounting to the extent of firing and tear-gassing by the police. Why? Perhaps, the answer lies in the great science of Vastu.

The Vastu Plan 

Without trying to be too technical, I give below broad guidelines to run an industry based on the principles of Vastu. From constructing the building to the placement of personnel and the product (in its various stages —raw, process and finished) Vastu has the power to give your industry a chance to bounce back to health or continue to be prosperous.

Site Selection

 It is important to select a site that has its adjoining roads sloping towards North or East. If the site is higher in the North and/or East, it is necessary that the levelling is done before construction begins. After the plan of the factory and its office premises (as per Vastu) is ready, walls are to be put up around the site such that the South and West walls are higher, thereby strengthening the Niruti (which is the master’s place). The north and east walls can be lower. Fencing will also do on the north and east sides. The walls should be oriented to the cardinal directions only viz., the East, West, North and South.

Water Areas 

A sump or well should be dug in the North of North-east. The bigger and deeper it is, the better. Readers can observe in temples that are doing well even today that the huge, deep puskaranis (water tanks) are usually on the north or east of North-east sector. It is always better to have the length and breadth of the sump in proportion to the length and breadth of the site. Now that Jupiter has moved into Libra, take care to see that water activation is not done at the wrong places. Jupiter being lord of younger generation, wisdom and wealth usage of this primary element can either work miracles or create misery to your industry.

Gates and Slopes 

Gates can be in the eastern and northern parts of the site, of course, depending on the road. If southern and western walls have to be used for gates, they can be put in the exalted zones. The slopes inside the compound may be done in such a way that rain water flows towards the North and East into the north-east. The downward slope of the factory roof should be either towards the East or to the North.

Main Factory 

The main factory may be constructed on the south-west side of the plot. The administrative office can be to the north of the factory. The height of the administrative building may be lower than the main factory. Care should be taken to see that the structures do not touch the compound walls. The factory should be so built that it is the highest on the south and west sides.

Arrangement of Machinery

The various machinery can be so arranged within the factory such that the heaviest come in the South and West. Raw materials can be placed in the South-west of the structure. Product in process and semi-finished products can be in centre of west sector and finished products ready for delivery may be placed in the North-west. A west of north-west door is preferred for movement of finished products. On the same principle, when there is a machinery which takes in a raw material at one end to give out a product at the other end, (e.g., newsprint and the newspaper), the machinery may be mounted in such a way as to allow feeding of the raw material from the south-west side and finished product coming out on the north-west side. Boilers, generators, transformers, furnaces, acid tanks, factory canteens etc., can all be in the East part of Southeast sector. The chimney of the factory will also, therefore, be in to South-east.

Power Zone 

The chairman, directors, general managers, supervisors can be seated in south-west sector of the factory or the administrative block. Recreation centres, entertainment halls, theatres, toilets, guest homes/rooms, car garages, servants quarters, stores can all be in the north-west sector. Conference halls, factory temple, cashiers, accountants, can be placed in the north-east sector. The guard/security room can be to the south of the gate in the East or West of the gate in the North. Overhead tanks can be in the West of south-west sector.


The centre of structure and centre of plot have to be totally kept free. Here, lawns can be grown or a small temple can be erected. Since, the central spot constitutes the Brahmastana or the navel (nabhi) of the Vastupurusha, no heavy materials, columns, pillars or beams should come here. The weighing machine which normally is a part of any industry can be placed in the central West or central South  away from the compound wall.

Naming your factory 

Factory names can be decided based on compatibility with birth star and the science of numbers. Such carefully decided names with frequent and proper time management (Muhurtha) and Vastu reinforcement can assist in supplementing your efforts to make your industry healthy and prosperous.