Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Will BJP Continue to Rule Bharat for the Next Five Years?

                                             Bangalore Niranjan Babu

Let us view the content’s page of The Astrological eMagazine and read out what we have been saying for more than twelve decades ever since our original magazine was started by my great grand father Prof. Suryanarain Rao.

फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः।

को वक्ता तारातमस्य तमेकं   वेधसं  विना।।

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in the Future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?

As Dr. Raman, my revered father,  always said, Jyothisha is indicative and not deterministic.  When the indications are favourable, it is necessary that effort is put to achieve the result.

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter II, Sloka 47 tells us:


कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्माते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥


The Bharatiya Janata Party has to go from door to door among not just cities but all the big and small villages, infuse confidence in them that their future will be better by voting for BJP and having Mr. Modi as the Prime Minister for another term of five years.

The  2024 elections for the 543 members of 18th Lok Sabha will be conducted in April and May of this year.  The current Lok Sabha session is expected to end on 16th  June 2024 in multiple  phases. Reports indicate that there will be 97 crore eligible voters this time.

The previous 2019 Lok Sabha elections saw the BJP-led NDA alliance registering a mammoth victory over the opposition parties by winning 353 of the total 543 official seats, with BJP alone winning 303 seats, which in itself was a majority in the elections.

After failing miserably in both the 2014 and 2019 General Elections, the Congress has decided to contest the 2024 General Elections under the banner of I.N.D.I.A. ( Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance), which is a coalition of 26 parties involving major state-level parties such as Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Samajwadi Party (SP), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Dravida Munnetra Kazhagham (DMK).etc.

in a major turn of events, the I.N.D.I.A. alliance suffered a huge blow, months before the 2024 General Elections, when two of the key members in the formation, 1 - Bihar’s nine times Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led JDU (Janata Dal United) and  decided to part ways and joined NDA,  and Trinamool supremo and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee severed ties with the Congress and decided to go it alone in the State in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, .resulting in major blow in their stand against the ruling party amongst the voters.

The ruling NDA alliance, with BJP leading it, has a total of 36 parties.


If our country needs Modiji to continue for another term of 5 years as Prime Minister, it is necessary that the Bharatiya Janata Party (and its coalition) gets a minimum of 273 seats to form the Government.

Do the planets (and the relevant directions) favour this?  We will consider both Jyothisha and Vastu review.  

Readers are requested to go through the Peeta Mandala diagaram of Bharat given below.

The electorate should vote BJP if Mr. Modi is to continue as the Prime Minister of India. As we complete this article, it is noted that Mr. Modi will be contesting from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh.  We humbly feel he has selected a Vastu appropriate place. Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) is to the North of Northeast of our country. He was born in Vadnagar, Gujarat.  Vadanagar (Gujarat) is Central West of India. It is seen from Mr. Modi’s birth place the movement of his contested city is to the northeast (eashanya – space of God). 

Mr. Modi’s Horoscope

There are different birth times shown, while the birth date and birth place are common.  I have taken 12.09 pm as his birth time (in consultation with my son Raman Suprajarama, Senior Editor of The Astrological eMagazine).  Mr. Modi was born on September 17th 1950 in Vadnagar, Gujarat at 12.09 pm.  We are computing the chart based on father’s (Dr. B. V. Raman) ayanamsa.



His Janma Rasi and Janma Lagna are both Vrischika (Scorpio).  North and East become important and Lagna and Moon nakshatra are Anuradha, a maha nakshatra.  The planetary ruler for Anuradha is Saturn (West), while the ruling deity is Mitra, the son of Sun (East).  Therefore, West and East also receive importance.

Moon is debilitated but receives neechabhanga and Raja Yoga because the house lord Mars (South) is posited therein (in a kendra from the Moon).  This means South too is a direction of importance. It is therefore very necessary that   candidates here have to be selected carefully.  Generally Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (and Telengana) and Kerala are areas which can imbalance the BJP strength.

There is a strong Parivartana Yoga between Mercury - North (11th lord of gains) and Sun - East (10th lord of career) closeted with Saturn - West (masses). 

He is now running Mars – South - Maha Dasa (September 2024 to 2030 September) and Rahu – Southwest - Bhukti (2024 February to 2025 February).

Converting the above astro analysis into Vastu code, Mr. Modi’s important birth directions are north, east, south and west and their permutations northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest too.  Simply understood the ashtadiks – eight directions - become strengths (or weakness) for Mr. Modi.

We will review the different phases of election taking the voting date and sunrise time (of New Delhi – Prime Minister’s seat) into consideration and see how the voting day's planets vibe with Mr. Modi's natal strength.

Since Modiji needs to occupy his seat in New Delhi, we will cast the horoscopes for each phase at Sunrise on their respective dates for New Delhi.


First Phase – 102 seats - 19th April 2024 – Sukla Ekadasi – Vriddhi Yoga

We have Mesha (Aries) rising with Sun placed in it along with Jupiter who is at a distance from the Sun avoiding combustion.  Since its dispositor Mars – Commander in Chief - is placed in the 11th house of gains along with Saturn – masses – it indicates success. Sun, the King is in the ascendant of Mars (Commander in Chief) along with Jupiter (the Guru). This also means the 5th (house of masses) also ruled by the King Sun is in the house of the queen.  The Sun (East) and Jupiter (northeast) are well placed in the ascendant, in the house of their friend Mars (south) who is in the house of gains (11th). The transit of of Jupiter into the 7th house of Mr. Modi (from Moon), at the time of results,  also is indicative of a win.

The Navamsa shows Taurus Lagna (ascendant) with Sun (King) and Mars (Commander in Chief) in it.  These positions of the King and Commander in Chief are also indicative of success to BJP.

Second Phase – 89 seats - 26th April 2024 – Krishna Dwitiya – Variyan Yoga

Here too we will take New Delhi for creating the chart. Looking at the chart we have Mesha (Aries) as the rising sign with exalted Sun placed on it.  Jupiter and Venus are with Sun, making Venus (Rakshasaguru) weak, creating some incompatibility and cross voting.   However, Saturn standing in the 11th is indicative of voter support.

Looking at the Navamsa, 4th and 11th lord Venus is well placed in the 10th, while 2nd lord Sun (King) is placed in Cancer lagna of the Moon (Queen) and Moon is in Leo, the house of 2nd lord Sun, creating Parivartana Yoga between the King and Queen.

Phase 2 favours BJP.

Third Phase – 94 seats - 7th May 2024 – Krishna Chaturdasi – Ayushman Yoga

Phase 3 of elections is on 7th May and covers 94 seats spanning 12 states.

The Lagna is Mesha (SE) and the fifth lord (masses) Sun is placed in the ascendant in exaltation, with Moon and Venus, who becomes combust. However Jupiter (NE) is well placed in the 2nd house of family and wealth in Venus’ house. Saturn (masses) is well placed in Kumbha (Aquarius)

Looking at the Navamsa, the Lagna Thula (Libra) that has the Sun in debilitation, aspected by debilitated Saturn.  The King has no support of the masses.  This does not seem to be pro BJP.

Fourth Phase – 13th  May 2024, 96 seats, Sukla Shashti, Soola Yoga

Phase IV of voting is spread over  96 seats covering 10 states.

The Lagna is Taurus with exalted Sun with Mercury and weak Venus. Stri Shakti can imbalance the voting pattern, but Budha Aditya Yoga in the Lagna can rescue.

The Navamsa chart has Dhanur Lagna, with the King Sun in it while the Lagna lord and the 4th lord of investment Jupiter is in the 3rd house of communication, courage, siblings and intellect.

The IV Phase voting is also seen to be supportive of the Lotus Bloom.

Fifth Phase – 20th  May 2024, 49 seats, Sukla Dwadasi, Siddha Yoga

Phase V elections are on 6th May spread over 49 seats covering the following 8 states.

The Rasi chart has Vrshabha Lagna with exalted Sun and Mercury having the Budha Aditya Yoga in the Lagna. However, Venus the lagna lord and the 6th lord is weak being in proximity to Sun. The 5th house of Mars too has Moon, Matru Karaka, with Ketu indicative of some S.

The Navamsa Lagna is Kumbha (Aquarius) with 2nd and 11th lord with Jupiter (Guru) with the 7th lord Sun (King). 3rd and 10th lord Mars is well placed in the house of gains(in the 11th)

The Fifth Phase voting is also seen to be supportive of the Lotus Bloom continuing. The 2nd and the 11th house Sarvashtakavarga strength  is also good.

Sixth Phase – 25th  May 2024, 57 seats, Krishna Dwitiya, Siddha Yoga

The 6th phase of voting will be held on  25th May 2024 covering 57 seats .

The Rasi Vrshabha Lagna has Sun Jupiter and Venus together.  This is indicative of initial female opposition.  However the presence of King and Guru in the Lagna has the possibility of Stri Shakti realizing voting for BJP will favour them.  The Navamsa too has Venus (Stri Shakti) in exaltation with Moon in the ascendant

The 6th phase favours BJP.

Seventh Phase – 1st June 2024, 57 seats, Krishna Navami moving into Dasami 6.04 am, Priti Yoga

The last (7) phase of voting is on 1st June, 2024 when 57 seats are voted for in 8 states.

The Rasi Lagna is Vrshabha with Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and weak Venus. The Lagna is strong with the King and Prince forming Budha Aditya Yoga, while Guru is there to bless.  Venus, though weak in in his own house and protected by Guru. 11th house of gains is strong with Rasi being Pisces (Meena) with Mars, Commander in Chief and Rahu, indicative of cross voting in favour of BJP.

The Navamsa has Sun and Venus in the Lagna (ascendant) while Saturn (Masses) is well placed in the 11th house .

Sarvashtakavarga of 11th house is strong thereby indicating Phase 7 in favour of BJP.


Before we draw conclusions on the results of the elections, it is necessary that we also look into the transits of the major planets, the dasa bhukti and antara bhukti of Mr. Narendra Modi's horoscope.

We will study the transits of three major planets - Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu.

As we write, Jupiter transits the 7th house, Saturn transits the 4th house and Rahu transits the 5th house of masses. This is indicative of a surge of cross voting in favour of BJP/Modi.

Dasawise, he is running Mars (Ascendant lord) Dasa and Rahu bhukti.  Rahu transiting the 5th house of masses is indicative of a vast majority votes going in favour of Modi/BJP

Jyothisha and Vastu review, as above, of Mr. Modi’s horoscope (and also horoscopes of the different phases of election dates with the city considered being New Delhi – the seat of the Prime Minister) indicate, with the following simple remedies followed,  Mr. Modi con continue to lead our country as Prime Minister.

All BJP supporters in all parts of India can conduct daily mass Mahalakshmi Ashtakam recital of 28 times by women and also daily Shiva Panchakshari (Om Namah Shivaya) 108 times by male supporters.

Mahalakshmi Ashtakam

Namastestu Mahamaye Shree Pithe Sura Poojite /

Shanka Chakra Gadha Haste Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Namastestu Garudarudhe Kolasura Bhayankari /

Sarva Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Sarvajne Sarva Varade Sarva Dushta Bhayankari /

Sarva Duhkha Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradayini /

Mantra Moorte Sada Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Adyanta Rahite Devi Adi Shakti Maheshwari /

Yogagne Yoga Sambhute Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Sthula Sukshme Maha Raudre Maha Shakti Mahodari /

Maha Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Padmasana Sthithe Devi Parabrahma Swaroopini /

Parameshi Jagan Mata Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Shwetambara Dhare Devi Nanalankara Bhooshite /

Jagasthithe Jaganmata Maha Lakshmi Namostute //

Maha Lakshmi Ashtaka Stotram Patheth Bhakti Man Narah /

Sarva Siddhi Mavapnoti Rajyam Prapnoti Sarvada //

Eka Kale Pathennityam Maha Papa Vinashanam /

Dwikale Yah Pathennityam Dhana Dhanya Samanvitah /

Trikale Pathennityam Maha Shatru Vinashanam /

Maha Lakshmi Bhavennityam Prasanna Varada Shubham //

Iti Indra Virachita Mahalakshmi Ashtaka Stotram Sampoornam //

Let us all pray for the flag of Sanatana Dharma to continue flying high in Bharat (and across the world) for the next five and more years too. 

Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu / Vande Mataram /

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Akshaya Tritiya 2023

Niranjan Babu Bangalore;;
What's App +91-9844013335


Akshaya Tritiya also known as Akshaya Tadige in Karnataka falls on the third thithi (day) of the bright half of the Lunar month Vaisakha. Akshaya.  This year it falls on Saturday, the 22nd April.  On the day of Akshaya Tritiiya Sage Veda Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dwaipayana dictated Mahabharatha to  Ganesha. On this day, the birthday of Parusharama the sixth facet of Lord Vishna is also traditionally observed.

Kuchela, a poor Brahmin and schoolmate of Sri Krishna, visits Krishna with the intention of asking some financial favor. Kuchela, also known as Sudama, carries with him a handful of beaten rice. Kuchela is ashamed to give this to Krishna, but the lord snatches the small bag from his schoolmate and eats a handful of the beaten rice. Kuchela is taken aback by the Lord’s gesture and returns home.  He is amazed to see a palace in the place of his old hut with his wife and children wearing new clothes.  This day when the frugal fare accepted by the lord was returned manifold to Kuchela is  observed as Akshaya Tritiya.


Akshaya means that which never diminishes. The Pandavas are said to have received the Akshaya Pathram (the never emptying bowl of food) from Lord Krishna on this day. It provided unlimited food for the Pandavas during their exile. Any charity done on this day is said to come back manifold.    Southeast, Northwest and East come into primary importance on this day.  Astrologically too, the Sun and the Moon  are most radiant and placed in exaltation on the Askhaya Tritiya day.   Business partnerships with the younger generation begun on this day can indeed do well. On the home front donation of food grains to old age homes or dependant senior citizens is suggested.  Since the directional significance for marriage is strong, marriage negotiations can begun on this day. House-warming ceremonies on this day are recommended.  Domestic and business discussions begun on this day tend to conclude agreeably. 

At the same time, it is to be noted that Guru Chandala Yoga exists this year on this sacred day of Akshaya Trititya and later on until the end of December 2023.  During May and June, the two planets Jupiter and Rahu will be in close conjunction.  A Maha Mrtyunjaya Homa inclusive of Navagraha and Ganesha Homa are recommended. on this sacred day and later on Krishna Ashtami day in May and June 2023.

The importance of Akshaya Tritiya grows every year, thanks to the forceful crusade of banks, jewelry shops and financial institutions.  The devout can look into the metaphysical aspect of this day.  Sudarshana Homa and Lakshmi Puja are performed on this day. 

Donation of food to old age homes, orphanages, schools for the blind, physically and otherwise challengedon this day can indeed bestow health, harmony and happiness to families and businesses. Jaya Ho!




Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Akshaya Trititya 2022


Akshaya Tritiya

Niranjan Babu Bangalore;

 Akshaya Tritiya (Akshaya Tadige) in Karnataka falls on the third thithi (day) of the bright half of Vaisakha. Akshaya.  This year, 2022, it falls on the 3rd  May.   On the day of Akshaya Tritiiya Sage Veda Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dwaipayana dictated Mahabharatha to  Lord Ganesha. On this day, the birthday of Parusharama the sixth facet of Lord Vishna is also traditionally celebrated.

Kuchela, a poor Brahmin and schoolmate of Sri Krishna, visits Krishna with the intention of asking some financial favor. Kuchela, also known as Sudama, carries with him a handful of beaten rice. Kuchela is ashamed to give this to Krishna, but the lord snatches the small bag from his schoolmate and eats a handful of the beaten rice. Kuchela is taken aback by the Lord’s gesture and returns home.  He is amazed to see a palace in the place of his old hut with his wife and children wearing new clothes.  This day when the frugal fare accepted by the lord was returned manifold to Kuchela is observed as Akshaya Tritiya.


Akshaya means that which never diminishes. The Pandavas are said to have received the Akshaya Pathram (the never emptying bowl of food) from Lord Krishna on this day. It provided unlimited food for the Pandavas during their exile. Any charity done on this day is said to come back manifold.    Southeast, Northwest and East come into primary importance on this day.  Astrologically too, the Sun, the Moon and Venus are most radiant and placed in their exaltation signs on this day.   Business partnerships with the younger generation begun on this day can indeed do well. On the home front donation of food grains and food is suggested.  Since the directional significance for marriage is strong, marriage negotiations can begun on this day. House-warming ceremonies on this day are recommended.  Domestic and business discussions begun on this day tend to conclude agreeably.  Bhumi Puja and Bhugarbha Vinyasa on this day for planned homes can be done too.

The importance of Akshaya Tritiya grows every year, thanks to the forceful crusade of banks, jewelry shops and financial institutions.  The devout can look into the metaphysical aspect of this day.  Sudarshana Homa and Lakshmi Puja are performed on this day.  In fact, since we are in the era of Covid 19, a fire havan, even on a minimal scale, will prevent the virus entering the home or business place.   

Donation of food to old age homes, orphanages, schools for the blind, physically and mentally challenged, and to the many poor families (suffering because of the onslaught of Covid 19) on this day can indeed bestow health, harmony and happiness to families and businesses.




Friday, July 9, 2021

Body Piercing and Tattooing the Vedic Way

Ear Piercing

Ear piercing (also known as Karnavedha) is normally done  within fifteen days of the child's birth and before the child completes its first year. It is said that a baby girl who has her ear pierced has a regular menstrual cycle and assists in minimising hysterical attacks and similar nervine ailments. The piercing activates certain acupressure points in the ears and is also said to improve the blood circulation and strengthen immunity. It is said that the ear contains more than two hundred pressure points that influence different areas of the body and the psyche.

We see that traditionally women in India wear different rings and jewellery in various parts of the ear.  This creates pressure that can act as therapy and  provide relief from various ailments that include allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, depression, headaches, hunger, hypertension, pain, panic attacks and weight problems.

 Nose Piercing

Similarly nose piercing is also prevalent since ages - pre ramayana and mahabharatha periods.  Ayurvedic texts like Sushruta Samhita suggest nose piercing minimises the monthly menstrual pain and also takes care of nasal infections. The ancient master knew that networks of nerves ran through the body connecting various body areas.  Many a time simple caressing of nerve networks can positively affect the body systems.

The nasal nerves are associated with the female reproductive organs the reason that the piercing is done on this nostril is to assist easier childbirth and lessen pain during monthly periods.  Both ear and nose piercing are said to even  aid a woman's fertility. Today decoration of the ear and nose (without piercing) have become more beauty accessories  with social celebraties sporting jewellery in their ears and noses.  Generally a woman had her nose pierced before her wedding.

Toe Rings

This scribe feels it is appropriate to say something about the toe rings that the Indian woman wears once married. The toe rings are said to press certain sensitive points of the toe that aid in keeping the reproductive system of the woman healthy. The Science of Ayurveda tells us that the nerve on the second finger of the foot relates to a woman's uterus. A slight constant pressure on this nerve is known to regulate ( the monthly menstrual cycle ensuring a healthy uterus. Worn on the third finger of the foot (specially young unmarried women) is said to give relief from the monthly menstrual period pain.


The accupressure points on the foot connecting to the woman's reproductive system  get activated constantly and assist in  eliminating or minimising labour pain and assist in healthy delivery of the child.


Tatooing too was prevalent in ancient India, China, Egypt, Phillipines, Europe, Persia, Indonesia, Japan and the middle east. Certain cultures tatooed their youngsters when they attained puberty. Men and women both had their different body parts tatooed.  The Western world too had their share of tatoos. Tattooing was much among the upper classes in Europe and particularly in Britain It is said that Sir Winston Churchill's mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, had a tattoo of a snake around her wrist, which she covered when the need arose with a specially crafted diamond bracelet. Carrying on the family tradition, Winston Churchill too is said to have had an anchor tattooed on his forearm.

Today, for the younger generation (of India and other parts of the world that include USA and Europe)  having tattoos on their body parts has become a fashion statement.  They have different tatoos on different parts of the body, some being tradional tattoos and some being just cosmetic.  Professional artists with refined equipment and colored pigments have begun to find a boom in their business. This is now a craze. Do we stop our youngsters from tatooing or do we give them advice on where/where not to tattoo and what symbols are appropriate to their birth constellations based on knowledge gathered from ancient texts?  If your child is (or you are) insistent to have a tatoo "to go with the times" the table below will be helpful.  Astro appropriate colors are recommended.

Where Tatoos are Forbidden

Eyebrows, Middle of the brows, Eyelids, Face, Shoulders, Sides, Armpits. Wrists, Stomach, Knees, Ankles, Buttocks, Heels, Feet and their fingers.

Where Tatoos are Allowed

Nose, Temples, Lower Part of Chin, Forehead, Sides of the Jaw-Bone, Neck, Ears, Chest, Back, Arms, Hands, Fingers, Navel, Thighs, Big Toe.

Nakshatras and Animal Symbols












































In India, tatooing and body piercing has been in vogue since centuries and done for wearing jewellery.  Texts like Dharma Sindhu too are said to contain references to ear and nose piercing. Ear and nose piercing has been used as a method of displaying body jewellery for many years in different cultures. This practice has been prevalent in other parts of the world also and references are found of piercing in Russia and China as early as 300 BC. It is said mummified bodies have been found in other regions too. Particularly in South of India, ear piercing and nose piercing have been very prevalent. 

.  Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu /